Characterised by a subtle, sweet, and refined aroma, a bluish-black peridium and a purple-black pulp, Tuber melanosporum ripens during the winter season: from December up to the first months of the year (December-march in Europe, June-september in Australia). In the italian territory, this type of truffle is to be harvested in Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo: the symbiotic plants of winter black truffles are usually oak and hazelnut trees and black hornbeams. Its great versatility in the kitchen has made this type of truffle famous worldwide, becoming the cheval de bataille of the French Novelle Cuisine. The so-called “La Truffe du Perigord” is widely appreciated and used for culinary purposes. Winter black truffles are not only used as condiments, but also as ingredients for their heat resistance, compared to the white truffle.


Winter truffle
Tuber melanosporum